Presented By: Blackrose Entertainment in Association with CKDO 107.7 FM 1580 AM Starring: Rob Reiner, Nora Ephron, Billy Crystal Harry and Sally meet when she gives him a ride to New York after they both graduate from the University of Chicago. The film jumps through their lives as they both search for love, but fail, bumping into each other time and time again. Finally a close friendship blooms between them, and they both like having a friend of the opposite sex. But then they are confronted with the problem: “Can a man and a woman be friends, without sex getting in the way?” —Greg Bole Recommended Age: 16+ ADVANCE TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE. Door Prizes! Presented By: Blackrose Entertainment in Association with CKDO 107.7 FM 1580 AM Presented By: Blackrose Entertainment in Association with CKDO 107.7 FM 1580 AM Presented By: Blackrose Entertainment in Association with CKDO 107.7 FM 1580AM Presented By: Blackrose Entertainment in Association with CKDO 107.7 1580AM Presented By: City of Oshawa, Ontario Tech University Faculty of Science and Humanities and Ontario Tech Student Life
R / 1h 35min / Romance, Comedy, Drama
Age Restrictions: 10+
ADMISSION: $7.00 Online (in advance) OR $5.00 Cash Only at Door (one hour before start time)
All Children & Students *FREE (No Ticket required)
*Children must be accompanied by an Adult
*High School, College and University students please show student ID
Cash Concession Available
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